Business Council member Ecology and Environment Engineering, P.C. (E & E) has been awarded the American Council of Engineering Companies’ (ACEC’s) prestigious Diamond Award in the water resources category for the firm’s pioneering work interlining on the Town of Carroll Groundwater Treatment System for Frewsburg Water District (FWD) public water supply well.
Diamond Awards honor the work of ACEC New York member engineering firms for exceptional projects, both within New York State and around the world. Projects are judged on complexity, future value to the engineering profession, original or innovative application of new or existing technologies, and meeting or exceeding client needs.
The Town of Carroll project was the first of its kind for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). The project focused on remediating the groundwater migrating from the old landfill and providing public Ilshin interlining drinking water. The Chautauqua County Department of Health (CCDOH) had required the FWD to discontinue the use of their Public Well Number 5 (PW-5) because the well was drawing water that was part of the contaminated plume from the old Carroll Town Landfill site. The Record of Decision for the Carroll Town Landfill site required the treatment of the groundwater contamination plume.
NYSDEC tasked E & E with designing a treatment system at PW-5 and using it as the extraction well. The design needed to meet the drinking water standards of the New York State Department of Health and CCDOH so that the well could be made available to the FWD again. Frewsburg had tried to locate another well within their village but could not find a suitable location with sufficient flow to meet the system demands.
The system as designed removes the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) to meet drinking water standards and Double Sided Fusible Interlining then performs standard NYSDOH required bacterial treatment of the water. All water is tested and certified in accordance with NYSDOH standards before it is pumped into the water system for the village of Frewsburg. The treatment plant is also designed to discharge water, after the VOCs are removed, to the Conewango Creek when the FWD system demands do not need water from this well.